Study programmes in Polish

  • tomatoes under a magnifying glass

    Food Quality Managment and Analysis

    The students of Food Quality Management and Analysis programme acquire the general knowledge in the field of the development of quality of plant and animal raw materials for food industry and technology of processing of those materials. The graduates of that field of studies understand the (...)

  • vegetables on the table

    Food Technology and Culinary Arts

    The aim of the Food Technology and Culinary Arts programme is modern education of experts in gastronomy services. The innovative study programme combines theoretical knowledge gained at WUELS with practical experience available during internships at partner organizations, such as: food (...)

  • bread and cereals blades

    Food technology and human nutrition

    Food Technology and Human Nutrition studies provide education in the fields of crop quality assessment, preservation and processing. These studies also pass on knowledge of microbiology, food biotechnology, management and marketing, as well as of human nutrition. The knowledge of environment (...)

  • surveyor working

    Geodesy and carthography

    A Geodesy and Cartography programme graduate has basic knowledge of mathematics, both natural and technical sciences, and specialist knowledge of geodesy and cartography. Graduates know the modern methods for studying and modelling the shape and physical characteristics of land, as well as (...)

  • apples in a basket


    Graduates of the Horticulture programme have an extensive knowledge of biology, chemistry, economic analysis methods, and management and organisational methods. They also have technological and technical knowledge in the field of horticultural production - vegetable gardening, arboriculture, (...)